Friday, October 25, 2013

nozawa and tokyo!

Onsen hot enough to cook an egg in?

The top (hot) onsen in nozawa

Sarah with Hachiko

Why paint your car when you can knit it a fitted woollen sweater like this guy?

Nissan limo

The alleys of Ueno

The mighty Yamanote subway line!

What's better than a feel pocket

Shady characters in Shinjuku at night

Entering the notorious golden gai district in Shinjuku

Bar on top of bar on top of bar!

1st stop, not so bad

Our lovely waitress served us fried tofu wrapped eggs and jars of dangerous sake in between helping us with our japanese

What Sarah is amazed by here is a "cat cafe". If you don't have the time, space or money for a pet, go to the cat cafe where dozens of surrogate moggys are ripe for the cuddling!

Golden Gai map - bear in mind that it's one small city block made up of 5 laneways of tiny bars perched on top of each other

What's up here?

Why it's Midori, and her bar: Araku

Shinjuku after dark

Shibuya crossing at midday, these crowds are here all day, everyday

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