Sunday, October 20, 2013

日本 (Japan)


"frog street"

Matsumoto castle

An old book store, selling old books that appeared to be printed backwards ;)

Downtown matsumoto

70s skyline

The way home from the skyline museum (seriously)

Is this thing on? Tsumago

Tsumago at night

Lots of persimmons everywhere!

If you can't afford the shinkansen, catch some sleep on the slow local trains at 1/2 the price

"I'm shrinking!"

clockwise from the green plate: edamame beans/marinated seeds/sweet grasshopper -> palm heart/strange squash/broccolini stalk? -> pickled something? -> delicious fish -> tempura vegetables -> salmon + something -> green paste -> fern tips/pickled blossoming flower -> centre: something sticky

traditional japanese dinner

for the love of gourd

fantastic water saving toilet

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